Complete Your CRPO Clinical Supervision
Many Types of Sessions Available:
Individual (1hr/1 Therapist)
Dyatic (2hrs/2 Therapists)
Group-I (Regular: 3-4hrs/ 3-4 Therapists)
Group-II (Marathon Saturdays: 5-6 hrs/5-6 Therapists)

Each therapist is unique. One-size-fits-all supervision approach will never help you reach your personal full potential as a counsellor and therapist.
I deliver a dynamic and integrative approach to clinical supervision, in Scarborough and Durham, with consideration of four core supervisory roles: mentor, coach, teacher, and administrator. Within these roles, I help to facilitate the development of your clinical and professional competencies. I also guide you in your practice of safe and effective use of self and development of proficiency in delivering ethical and effective counselling and psychotherapy services.
Supervision is provided in a collaborative, supportive, respectful and fun environment. Your ideas, experiences, questions, and perspectives are valued. They are all integrated into the process of arriving at the best course of action for you and your clients.
Kern is the director of Newhope Family Services Inc. ( He has many years of experience in the field of counselling, psychotherapy and clinical supervision. Since 2006, he has worked in both private practice as well as a number of government funded agencies in the Greater Toronto Area. These include Addiction Services for York Region, Frontenac Youth Services, East Metro Youth Services, and Associated Youth Services of Peel. Over this period, Kern has held managerial, clinical supervisory, and therapist positions. In addition to working with youth, adults, couples, and families to address various personal and relationship issues, Kern has led the design, development, and implementation of a wide range of counselling programs at Addiction Services for York Region.
Within his private practice setting, Kern has provided counselling and training services to clients under referral and/or partnership agreements with various community and faith-based organizations such as Toronto Children’s Aids Society, Focus on the Family Canada, Shalem Mental Health Network, EAP organizations, local Churches, and others. He also supervises a number of therapists, in Scarborough and Durham, towards achieving their credentials with the College of Registered Psychotherapist of Ontario (CRPO).
He is an Assistant Professor of Counselling at Tyndale University.
Kern holds a Master of Divinity degree in counselling from Tyndale University College and Seminary, a graduate certificate in Couple and Family Therapy Studies from the University of Guelph, and is a clinical member and approved supervisor with the Canadian Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (CAMFT).
Effective psychotherapy and marriage and family therapy (MFT) clinical supervision gives consideration to relational matters between the therapist and client’s system, the therapist and supervisor, and all other contextual and systemic connections. Psychotherapy and MFT supervision considers the developmental needs and strength of each part of the supervision system (VanDeusen & Lappin, 1993).
Within this multi-modal approach, and because the supervisory process is isomorphic with therapy, I help supervisees identify and address constraints in their work with clients and in the supervisor-supervisee relationship. I assist therapists in their development of safe and effective use of self (SEUS) by addressing clinical dynamics at the individual, family, family-of-origin, gender, cultural, spiritual, and wider socio-cultural and socio-economic levels.
The following configurations of clinical supervision is provided to psychotherapist, marriage and family therapist, and counsellors:
- GROUP-I (Small 3-4 therapists) for 2-4 hours)
- GROUP-II (Saturday Marathon 5-6 therapists for 5-6 hours)
For dyadic and group sessions, each participating therapist shares the hourly cost evenly, while receiving the richness from the group and earning the total supervision hours.
Once you have decided to participate in supervision (whether individual, dyadic, or group), please contact me to obtain the password to access the following documents and to arrange an initial meeting.
- Philosophy of Supervision
- Supervision Contract Template
- Case Presentation Guideline
- Supervision Practice Standards: CPRO